Our History History

THMC ( Thattai Hindu Merchants Community ) was created in the early 1940s to strengthen the community and provide a platform for businessmen to address challenges facing them. The organisation owns property in the heart of Manama, which contains the Krishna Temple, multipurpose halls, library and offices.

Several businesses can trace their history in Bahrain to nearly 200 years. Businessmen who trace their roots to Thatta in Sindh ( Present-day Pakistan ) who settled in Bahrain & Dubai call themselves Thattai Bhatias. They are the oldest expat business community in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Trade Legacy

Since the 1800s, THMC has shaped Bahrain's economy through generations of commerce. From markets to ports, their entrepreneurial spirit fuels growth.


Business Solidarity

Founded in the 1940s, THMC unites Bahrain's business community. Empowering entrepreneurs, fostering innovation, they enhance the kingdom's business landscape.

Enduring Success

With 60+ esteemed members, THMC represents generations of thriving businesses. From humble origins to excellence, they embody resilience and commitment.

THMC Sub-Committees Sub-Committees




Community History Archive

Collection, documentation and archiving of Bhatia Business Community History, establishment, duration, contributions to growth of local economy

Mr. Jayant Bhatia

Bye-Laws AOA & MOUs &

Drafting, updating and management of THMC AOA, Bye-Laws and MOUs and contracts including THMC employees and external services Mr. Virendra Bhatia

Construction & Development

THMC Property construction and development projects

Mr, Mukesh Kavalani

Estate Management & Maintenance

Day-to-day issues relating to THMC operations including property repair/maintenance

Mr. Jayant Lalchand

Events Organization & Management

Organizing & Managing THMC Events

Mr. Yogesh Bhatia

Info-tech Integration

Information and Computer Technology integration and management

Mr. Mukesh Megchiani
Investment Fund & Charity Management of Investment and Charity related issues Mr. Kumar Gandhi
Membership Database Management Management of THMC membership database & new applications

Mr. Amit Karani

Members Benefits, Business Integration & Cooperation Manage services and member benefits. Identify ways for THMC member businesses to cooperate and conduct business together. Coordination with external agencies. Mr. B. C. Thaker
Marketing and Communication Execution and Management of all Public Relation Matters Mr. B. C. Thaker
Women’s Inclusion, Participation & Mentoring Involving and encouraging women members and non-members of THMC to participate in sub-committees and mentoring for future board positions Mr. Bharti Gajria